I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of fat rat raindrops pelting the earth. The rain was from the night before - when we tried to get burgers at midnight- and had not stopped yet. And it looked like it was not going to stop for a while. I wouldn't have cared really, but that was the day we were supposed to go on a field trip to Storforsen to see the white water rapids and trek its rocky cliffs. Plus, we were told that the trip might be postponed if it rained but not to worry because the rain had never come during this field trip for the past 7 years. Oh dear, why now?!
So, hoping that we'd get to go anyway, I got up extra early to prepare my packed lunch of 3 grilled cheese sandwiches, 4 falaffel nuggets, and a vegetarian patty. And I warmed up a saucepan of milk to make into chocolate milk with the help of 'ICA Chocolate Dryck" powder, to be poured into a thermos so we can all have a hot drink later.
I met Dale and Vishnu at my porch and bundled up in our waterproof gear with our brollies overhead, we marched on to the pick up point and met up with Mel, Song and Bryan. Can't tell you much more about our two hour journey there because I was tired out from a late night and fell asleep :)
Thankfully the rain had passed in Storforsen so only the ground was wet. Well, I must say I was unimpressed. It was just a rocky terrain that seemed to be leading to a series of small bridges. Then I heard Mel ask, "Is it all just rocks?". Then we spotted a tiny creek......Water! And everyone was a bit more roused and excited, so we hiked on more enthusiastically. In no time the rushing water in the distance became audible a few seconds of walking later it became visible.

Wow, the sheer power of it alone is an awesome sight. The waves crashed, swirled, sprayed, leapt and rushed down the rocks. It was scary getting close to it for pictures because the rain had made it more slippery than it already was, but it was worth my almost falling three times. But I must say my Doc Martens proved themselves.

After more photo taking, we trudged on to another part of the reserve to find a cool, calm quary nestled between majestic cliffs. The walk down was pretty treacherous and Mel's wellington-styled rain boots were not giving her a good grip on the mossy, wet rocks. So Bryan and I were helping her to inch along and when we finally got there a whole bunch of boys from our group were stripping to their boxers, leaping off the cliffs and landing in the bright teal coloured water way down below.

We watched the brave ones do their stunts and withstand the icy water for a while and then proceeded to join the others for lunch. There was a fire going and those who brought sausages where grilling them and other were tucking in form the lunchboxes like I was. It was a good time of chatting and laughing. I was especially pleased that my thermos had kept my chocolate milk hot all this while and everyone got to enjoy a nice warm drink up in the cliffs. It was actually not cold anymore and I kept away my thick jacket and stood around in a t-shirt and jeans - if people were standing around in their underwear this was really nothing.

Bryan who was wearing 2 shirts and 3 jackets took a picture of his 'layers' before casting them off one by one onto an unsuspecting me. And Mel was making plans to leave ahead of everyone so she would not hold up the pack. Song was chatting up a French girl and the other boys were enjoying the view as now some girls had decided to join in the fun and leap into the water in their underwear.

Soon enough it was time for us all to go back and we made our way to where the bus was waiting for a group shot of the entire exchange students cohort! And needless to say, I slept the entire way back home to Lulea too :D
'lunch of 3 grilled cheese sandwiches, 4 falaffel nuggets, and a vegetarian patty' - Arghhh. The blog doesnt say you finished these. Reminds me i am hungry. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe place looks awesome. Have fun !