How do I even begin to condense our entire trip into a blog post....I think it's an impossible feat, but if you go on FB you'll see all the pictures and my captions tend to be long so it's kinda like i'm narrating what went on. But here I guess I can give the juicy highlights, if any :)
This was the plan:
1.Depart Lulea 12 Aug, arrive in Stockholm 13 Aug
2.Depart Stockholm 13 Aug, arrive in Oslo 13 Aug
3.Depart Oslo 13 Aug, arrive in Malmo 14 Aug
4.Depart Malmo 14 Aug, arrive in Copenhagen 14 Aug
5.Depart Copenhagen 14 August, arrive Goteborg 15 Aug
6.Depart Goteborg 15 Aug, arrive in Lulea 16 Aug
Crazy? Well, maybe. Fun? Oh boy yes indeed-y!
We always took the night trains out but we had to stay in Goteborg bus terminal from 10:32pm to 9am the next day cos al the rooms in the city was taken due to some festival. Our train for Lulea was only at 5pm on the 15th. So that was the scariest thing we had to do. The young people there were all drunk and loud...Mel and I were afraid someone would throw up on us or something. And some guy like 3 inches away from my face and asked me if I "wanted to buy speed". My faint Chirstian, Singaporean girl heart almost stopped beating. Hahaha looking back on it now it's all so funny. But while we were actually trying to sleep in the station, it really wasn't.

Anyway on to the good stuff!
Oslo! Very expensive and very pretty. Getting around here was easy and we didn't get lost. We saw men in kilts and men dressed as vikings everywhere, so that was cool. We even met an old guy - Earl- who went on about raffles hotel who told us "you've not been to Norway unless you've been to Bern". Then He took pictures with us and stood a little too close and held on a little too tight.....Sleazy old man. Hahaha.

And since we had not showered in many many hours, we were so excited to shower in the Malmo train staion. It cos about 30SEK, SGD$7 for a nice warm shower in a very clean bathroom. It felt good and we got on to out train to Copenhagen nice and clean!

In Copenhagen, the Mermaid statue is addressed as 'She'. I think thats just so quaint, no? We really had to fight out way trough the hordes of tourits just go get a picture with her, with our backpacks and DSLRs, it was no easy feat and poor Mel in her flip flops almost fell into the water twice. After that we headed to Hamlet's castle and the Stroget which is the main shopping district. I'm sure we could have covered more, but there was an outlet sale...and things were cheap...and the queue to the dressing room was we got distracted :p

But all in all, I am proud of myself becuase I only spent SGD$100 during my entire time traveling, excluding the eurail pass of course! But I only spent money on cheap snacks, bus travel, seat reservation, a small gift for an aunt and clothes. Mel and I are so economical :)
Back in Sweden at Goteborg, after our scary night out, we visited the festival grounds and really got into the swing of things. There was a museum exhibit of wedding outfits promoting love and harmony among different races, so Mel and I decided to get hitched. Don't we look like blushing brides?

But We're glad to be back in Lulea, I mean its kinda boring here but amny of the exchnage students have arrived and Mel's dorm-mates and my room-mates and neighbours seem real nice. We're constantly having dinner gatherings all over the place and meeting to do stuff, so I think things in the 'fun department' will start to pick up :)