Tuesday, January 5, 2010


After being in Berne surrounded by majestic snow capped mountains I was certain no other locale would impress me. But Prague - known as Bohemia in the old days- was magical. Oh we stopped by Munich on the way to Prague. Either there was nothing to see or we were supposed to go beyond the main town center, I don't know...but it was pretty blah.

But back to Prague! We went on a walking tour and saw the amazing astronomical clock, music halls, churches, parlimentary buildings, cubist buildings and the Jewish quarter. We also learnt a whole lot about the harrowing history of The Czech Republic. Not only were they invaded by the nazis, just one day after a triumphant uprising, the soviets invaded them. They are in fact younger than Singapore although they have so much more history than we do.

I was most affected by the section of the tour held in the Jewish quarter. We were told that the oldest surviving Jewish temple in Europe is in Prague as Hitler wanted it to become a relic or museum almost for an extinct race. Can you imagine the evil driving this man? And yet Jesus loved him and would have welcomed him to heaven if he had accepted Christ....wow! The measure of God's love is unfathomable.

But I digress...It was freezing so at the end of the 3 hour tour we were just dying for a hot cup of coffee and a warm place to thaw out before going shopping! I went completely crazy with the shopping in the Christmas market in Prague because not only had I held off shopping the entire trip, Prague was also really cheap and their goods were authentic and traditional unlike the usual stuff you get everywhere else. I spent about 85 euros on shopping and food alone!! Madness.

Prague is a MUST SEE, for me it comes right after Berne. But if you prefer history, cheap eats and shopping to the alps then you can't go wrong with Czech Republic.

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