It's all about the food here at Varnortsvagen. All we do once the sun sets (That is at about 2pm) is eat. Here's a quick rundown of recent foodie activity.
The 'Quick-we-are-leaving-soon-so-use-up-the-asian-food' Lunch
There was laksa, chicken rice, and other random side dishes.

Bryan couldn't have any because everything had some form of shrimp paste or extract, so he had his special pasta. It was a fine meal, with enough leftovers for the next day's lunch.
Flan Queso (Bryan's Cheese Flan)

This was one incredible dessert. Best Flan I've Ever Had. Period.

The master dessert chef behind the creation.

My second slice of heaven :)
Kata's Midnite Chocolate Chunk Cookies
We don't care what time it is. If there be cookies, we be there! And these cookies were too good to miss. Think I had 5...maybe 6.....and 2 more to go.... They were perfect dipped in unsweetened vanilla tea. OmNomNomNom!
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