There even was a time of praise and worship which got me really excited because I miss that so much. They sang three songs in Swedish but I could easily sing along because all them them were songs I sing back in Changi Baptist. It was wonderful to sing along without language being a barrier and it also reminded me of how big God really was. He is everywhere and he understands every single language/dialect/pidgin there ever was. Whatever your tongue, God hears and knows just what you mean. How amazing.
Friday, September 4, 2009
LUKAS meeting
I had found out about the campus' Christian fellowship group called Lukas, some two weeks ago and I've been excitedly waiting for their first meeting on 3rd September. It was to be a (bring your own food) BBQ at a nearby hill called Mjolkuddsberget. It was a pretty tiring hike uphill as it was very rocky and steep and i had to push my bike up but when we got to the top the view was worth every breathless pant and aching joint.
We began by playing games, the two that I loved especially was called 'imps and giants' and 'samurai'. I'll surely teach these to my youth group when I'm back in Singapore. Soon after it was time to grab a knife, find a good twig to skewer your food with and cut if off the plant. How rustic right? I found a twig on the floor and got it sharpened to a point and pierced my mock-meat patty through it. Then we all stood around a smoking, hot pit and talked while our food cracked, sizzled and burned above the open flame.
I met really nice people - Veronika, Samuel, Frank, claus, Vanessa, Tobias, Jonas....- and I'm already excited about seeing everyone next week. I think it is really sweet that they all made an effort to speak in English when addressing the group even though they were not very comfortable doing so.
There even was a time of praise and worship which got me really excited because I miss that so much. They sang three songs in Swedish but I could easily sing along because all them them were songs I sing back in Changi Baptist. It was wonderful to sing along without language being a barrier and it also reminded me of how big God really was. He is everywhere and he understands every single language/dialect/pidgin there ever was. Whatever your tongue, God hears and knows just what you mean. How amazing.
Even the beautiful natural surrounds were reminiscent of God's planning, fingerprints, creativity. The sun was setting and the whole sky was orange and pink. It slowly intensified into an indigo and pink canvas. The moon was peeking out from behind the tall trees and glowed a nice sherbet orange. I felt like I should be mingling more and snapping less photos but I really could not help myself.
The walk back was really really cold but the hours we spent on the hill were so worthwhile. I promised the guys here that I'd take them there next week...maybe after our swim in the icy lake, why not?
There even was a time of praise and worship which got me really excited because I miss that so much. They sang three songs in Swedish but I could easily sing along because all them them were songs I sing back in Changi Baptist. It was wonderful to sing along without language being a barrier and it also reminded me of how big God really was. He is everywhere and he understands every single language/dialect/pidgin there ever was. Whatever your tongue, God hears and knows just what you mean. How amazing.
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hey baby its great to know that you have a group to fellowship with. Oh yeah that sunset pic is just fantastic